TED workshop 1

Two people in each group. Grant your partner editing access to your Google Doc.

READERS: Read your partners brainstorms and, at the bottom of the doc, respond to the following:
  1. How NEW will the topics be to the audience, comparatively?
  2. What are the possible ACTIONS in each brainstorm topic? Compare and contrast: How BIG are they, relatively? How DESIRABLE, relatively?
  3. What RESISTANCE will the TED talker meet re. each topic, and how might they use it to their advantage?
READERS AND WRITERS: In conversation, share your recommendations: Which brainstorm topic seems most promising to you, and why?

WRITERS: On the basis of your conversation with your partner, choose a brainstorm to make the subject of your TED Talk. And then:
  1. Create an outline, tacking back and forth between “what is” and “what could be,” and reaching a climax in a CALL TO ACTION (“New Bliss”).
  2. Write a paragraph about your ETHOS: Who will you need to be to serve as the “Yoda” to your audience’s “Luke.” How will you embed that character in the story/argument of your talk?
Draft your talk in a new doc. Name the doc Last name, first name - WRIT 1122 - Exercise 6. Format it per the instructions. Share the complete draft with me by the start of Thursday's class.

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