Second conference (and preparing for the reflective paper)

Choose the four essays that best display your learning this quarter (two from the first half, and two from the second), then, for each one, compose a brief essay (approximately 750 words) with the following title:

What I learned about [x], how I used it this quarter, and how I'll use it in future.

. . . wherein x stands for:
The rhetorical situation (exercise 1)
Showing, not telling (exercise 2)
Grammar and style (exercise 3)
Rhetorical appeals (exercise 4)
Rogerian argument (exercise 5)
Arrangement (exercise 6)
Each of your essays should define its terms (i.e., the Xs above) and analyze your own (quoted!) writing

Please post the latter two essays (i.e., the ones about exercises 4, 5, and/or 6) in time for your video conference with me and all four by the last Tuesday of class.

Put all essays in one doc named Last name, first name - Conference 2 - WRIT 1122, and share it with me.

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