Turning in your work

You'll turn in all of your work via Google Drive. If you don’t already have a Google Account (for example, Gmail), then create one here.

Creating a folder
All your work will go into a single Google Drive folder, which you'll share with me. 
To create your folder, go to Google Drive, click the “New” button in the top-left corner, and select “Folder.” 
In the box that appears, name your folder as follows: 
Last name, first name - WRIT 1122 - winter 2020 
(So a student named Janet Jones would name her folder "Jones, Janet - WRIT 1122 - winter 2020.") 
After you've named the folder, click "Create." 
Then, with your folder highlighted on My Drive, click the "Share" icon (it's the little guy with the + sign next to his head), and share your folder with me at John.Tiedemann@du.edu. Make sure that the button beside my address is set to "Can edit."
Be sure to keep ALL your work for WRIT 1122 in this folder.
Creating and naming your docs
To create a document, go to Google Drive, click the “New” button in the top-left corner, and select “Google Docs.” 
Give your document the correct filename (in the textbox next to the Google Docs logo, top-left). Name each of your exercises as follows:
          Last name, first name - Exercise # - WRIT 1122
(So, if Janet Jones were posting a draft of the third exercise, then the filename should be “Jones, Janet - Exercise 3 - WRIT 1122.”)
After you've named your doc, share it with me by clicking the "Share" button on the upper right, entering my DU email address in the textbox that appears, and making sure that the button beside that says "Can edit." 
Finally, on your My Drive page, select your newly created doc and drag and drop it into your WRIT 1122 folder. 
  • To receive credit for an assignment, you must name it correctly, format it correctly, and share it with me by the due date/time specified. Sharing your work is your responsibility. 
  • Please do NOT compose your drafts in Word, etc., and then upload to Google. I can’t comment on uploaded Word docs. You must either compose in a Google Doc or copy and paste writing from Word into a Google Doc (though if you copy/paste, then you’ll need to reformat).
  • Your work should be in MLA style, which means that it should, among other things, be double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12 font, and, if you're using outside sources, include parenthetical citations and a Work Cited page. To see what the first page of a piece of writing should look like, check the "Formatting your work" page on our blog. (For more about MLA citation style, see the helpful resources at the Purdue OWL.)

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